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Dragon's Blood

Released June 20, 2024

C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia meets YA “romantasy” in this immersive debut about a young woman falling into another world of magic and danger and meeting a shapeshifting dragon prince....

Sarah Lind thinks her biggest problems are finally picking which college to go to and helping her large family. That is, until she falls through her neighborhood’s flash-frozen creek and into the magical yet perilous Six Realms, settled by a race of human-dragon shapeshifters who fight day and night against monsters she’s only heard of in Earth’s myths—and those monsters are now hunting her. If she is to survive, let alone find her way home, she will have to travel with their "drakon" Heir, who is somehow as dangerous as he is bashful—and handsome enough to put her in an entirely different kind of peril.

Koriben Sunfilled thinks his biggest problems are preventing his beloved father and King's impending death and the unraveling of the magical Covenants that are the basis for his people’s existence (in that order). That is, until he finds Sarah, a shy yet entrancing Earthren who he is convinced is not only a descendant of a long-lost clan but is also the leader he needs to help him avert disaster. Little does he know that even greater shadows creep across the horizon.


If his Realms and even Earth are to endure, both Ben and Sarah will have to embrace their destiny—before the enemy of all life devours their worlds.

Readers who love C. S. Lewis’s and Brandon Sanderson’s hope-filled, immersive high fantasy (but, let’s be honest, crave a bit more romance) will “devour” Dragon's Blood, Book One of the Blood of the Covenants Series.

Copyright ©️ 2024 Leah E. Welker. All rights reserved.

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